
Segue: Multilingual Collaborative Learning System

Segue is Middlebury's fully multilingual web publishing system that can be used for course and department websites, as well as news, journals and peer review.

Use your Midd username and password to log in.

Here are some sample sites created by Carole Cavanaugh:
Japanese Film
Tale of Genji

Middlebury Online Testing Site (MOTS)
This site contains many drills and quizzes for language study, many of which use audio and/or video and are self grading. (See: Examples)

Japanese Film
The Japanese Department has made a number of Japanese films available online with the script in Japanese.

Japanese StudyDB
This is a database of over 2000 Japanese vocabulary words. The database allows students to create custom study lists and sort these lists in a variety of ways. As well, the database interface allows students to create multiple choice quizzes.

Also available for Russian.

(StudyDB replaces Flashtrack and incorporates the Japanese database previous available here.. StudyDB programs are also available for Chinese, Arabic and Russian

Spoken Japanese
This site includes most of the audio and video material from Japanese: The Spoken Language

This site was made available for a limited time as an experiment to students of the Japanese School.

Japanese Audio Listening Exercises

Raihosha (5th year Japanese)
Lessons 1-5
Lessons 6-10

Wa Ga Urowashi No Tomo
(My Dear Friend's Letter)

This is Japanese video that was studied by 2nd year Japanese students.

Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5

These area video-cued structural drills:
Passives | Causatives-Passives.

( These videos are made possible by a grant from the Consortium for Language Teaching and Learning together with the generous cooperation of Tokyo Shoseki Co., Ltd.)..

Gakugei-Kai (Talent Show)
2002 | 2000
Did you miss the talent show? See it online!


Radio Show:
The Japanese School also digitized Japanese Radio Shows

July 26

Announcements | Spoken Japanese
Introduction | Faculty & Staff | Curriculum | Students | Activities | Video


this site is maintained by Alex Chapin